Reading at the beach with Flaubert

L’événement présenté est soumis à l'évolution de la situation sanitaire liée à la pandémie de Covid-19.

Samedi 3 juillet 2021 à 00h00
Lire à la Plage offers users of the beaches of the Seine-Maritime department a reading and mediation space around the book, open to all during the summer 2021. 12 cabins are distributed on the alabaster coast. A 13th will be established in 2021 on the leisure base of Mesnil sous Jumièges. Communication and mediation actions will be proposed on the theme Flaubert: A hut, a work. The huts will be dressed and flocked and the terraces will present titles of works and sentences from the author’s books. The dedicated books will be made available (complete works, comics, youth albums, documentary books on Norman places evoked in the work of the author). Actors in period costumes could perform aloud readings of excerpts from novels.



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tout public