Visit Pompeii: Claudio Sabatino, a photographer on the steps of Gustave

L’événement présenté est soumis à l'évolution de la situation sanitaire liée à la pandémie de Covid-19.

Du Monday 29 March 2021
Au Sunday 1 August 2021

The contemporary artist Claudio Sabatino presents a photographic exhibition, supported by the Department of Seine-Maritime, on Pompeii in the dwelling of the Abbey of Jumièges. It evokes the visit of the site of Pompeii by Gustave Flaubert in 7 places when he returned from his trip to the East through Italy. Open every day from 9am to 1pm and from 2:30pm to 5:15pm.

Type de manifestation
Type de public

Access possible in the Logis abbatial. For wheelchair access, please inform the abbey in advance so that the entrance in front of the abbey house can be opened. Disabled toilets. Partial access in the park.

7,50€, 5,50€ pour les plus de 65 ans, Gratuit pour les moins de 26 ans, les demandeurs d’emploi, les bénéficiaires des minima sociaux, les personnes en situation de handicap et les habitants de Jumièges (sur présentation d’un justificatif).