A guide called Flaubert

L’événement présenté est soumis à l'évolution de la situation sanitaire liée à la pandémie de Covid-19.

Du Saturday 26 June 2021
Au Sunday 31 October 2021

The Musée of Évreux offers a tour of the museum's permanent collections, illuminated by excerpts from the Dictionnaire des idées reçues. A primer of a few hundred words, the Dictionary aims to reveal the common imagination of a society, that of the French bourgeoisie of the second half of the 19th century. Associating works of art from the museum with entries in the Dictionary is also to propose a journey into the imagination of an era that saw the birth of these works, to better understand their importance in the field of art and the way they reinforce an imagination and values in the same way as words and thoughts. It is also to incite the visitor to wonder about our own common imagination which also constitutes our society today, through words, expressions and images. From Tuesday to Friday from 9:30 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm From Saturday to Sunday from 10 am to 12:30 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm

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Entrée gratuite