Disorienting: a journey of contemporary art proposed by the Frac Normandie Rouen

L’événement présenté est soumis à l'évolution de la situation sanitaire liée à la pandémie de Covid-19.

Du Saturday 12 June 2021
Au Monday 20 September 2021

In the Jardin des Plantes in Rouen, the Frac explores this time, from works of its collection, the notion of Orientalism which marks the novel Salammbô by Flaubert. This trend, with aesthetics borrowing certain motifs from Asia, from the Middle East to Japan, had a profound impact on the literary and plastic worlds of the 19th century. Contemporary artists, on the other hand, propose new visions of these territories, voluntarily less exotic and deconstruct this view today marked by globalization.


Type de manifestation
Type de public
Œuvre de Flaubert concernée