Writing steps with Flaubert

L’événement présenté est soumis à l'évolution de la situation sanitaire liée à la pandémie de Covid-19.

Sunday 4 July 2021 à 14h30
A walk in the city center of Rouen, where my words will guide you on the steps of Flaubert. Simple writing steps to immerse yourself in the Flaubertian world, awaken your emotions, sharpen your gaze and set your words in motion. Equipped with his notebook, we scribble words, sentences, we share his feelings, his impressions. Sometimes, the walk is punctuated with readings of the writer’s texts, in connection with what surrounds us, sometimes we make unusual encounters, we pause, we listen. At the end of the walk, participants are invited to a time of exchange and sharing. A convivial and playful moment around writing. Price: €12/adult and €6/child (6-18 years). Time: 14:30-16:30
Type de manifestation
Type de public
tout public

Accessible à tous, si accompagnés